Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a connective tissue disease and collagen disorder. Due to this disease multiple joints of a human being gets affected. Majority of the time disease start in fingers in the hand. It is swollen with very painful and restricted movement. This disease spread to other joint of the body as well, like, knee joint, ankle joint, spine, hip joint, elbow joint etc. There is inflammation in every joint and making the restriction of movement of the joint along with severe pain. As this is a systemic disease it does not get better with any localised treatment in the joint. It need identification of the disease and which is done by a Rheumatologist by doing few blood tests. After identification there are treatment options to control the progression of the disease, which give relief to the patient. The type of treatment depend on the severity of the symptoms and few other factors. One of the method of treatment is to take oral medicine regularly and do some usual blood tests to find out if there is any side effect due to the same. Hence, meet the Rheumatologist for three/four times a year. In addition, Rheumatologist prescribe some Monoclonal Antibody infusionĀ  to be infused once in three months or as advised. This treatment help to prevent the progression of the disease and does not allow to cause deformity. Regular treatment give a person the flexibility of pain free movement without any deformity and quality lifestyle. So, it is important to diagnose the disease at the early stage of onset. This is possible, when a patient reach a Rheumatologist ( Not Orthopaedic Surgeon ) and necessary blood tests are suggested and the disease is identified. Subsequently treatment can be initiated by the Rheumatologist.