Paediatric Whole Body Checkup

Net Amount Rs. 2000
Number Of Test  37
Test Includes  Blood Group & RH, Sugar(Random), Total White Blood Count (TLC), Total Red Blood Count (RBC), Haemoglobin (HGB), Haematocrit (HCT), Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH), Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Platelets Count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Basophils, P/S (Peripheral Smear) Examination, RDW-CV (RBC Distribution Width-Coefficient Of Variation), PDW (Platelet Distribution Width), MPV (Mean Platelet Volume), Absolute Neutrophils Count, Absolute Lymphocytes Count, Absolute Monocytes Count, Absolute Eosinophils Count, Absolute Basophils Count, ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate), Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Indirect Bilirubin, AST, SGPT, ALT, ALP, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A:G Ratio, Hemoglobinopathy (HB Electrophoresis), HBS
Pre Requisite Fasting condition is preferred but not mandatory