Cirrhosis Of Liver

Liver is a very soft organ in our abdomen. On a single pump from the heart maximum blood reach liver and after its necessary work it comes back to heart. The clean blood travels through artery from heart to other places of human body and impure blood travels through vein to heart from other places. Cirrhosis of liver means hardness and altered echotexture of the liver. As a result the blood coming from heart to liver cannot enter inside liver properly and try to return to heart. This put huge pressure on the portal vein ( Vessel carrying impure blood to heart from liver ). Sometimes this blood create extra channel to travel causing ulcer in food pipe ( Esophagus ).As our liver is a very powerful organ, hardness at initial stage does not produce lot of symptoms. Hence, people do not know most of the time whether his/her liver is becoming hard. The cause of hardness can be several. Like, fat deposition in the liver, presence of hepatitis B virus, alcohol induced etc. Initially it is identified through a test called ultrasonography of the abdomen to see the liver. Most of the time doctors suggest this test to a person for some other reason and this information is identified. Till 70% of the liver become hard, one do not find any major problems in daily life. 30% of the liver can maintain function with lot of difficulty. After identification of cirrhosis only way to control progression of the disease is to get rid of the reason of cirrhosis. Like, fat deposition or hepatitis B virus etc. If more than 70% of the liver become hard, people have accumulated water in the abdomen ( ascites ), decrease in protein level in blood etc. This warrant liver transplantation.  Liver transplantation are of two types. Live related donor transplantation and cadaver transplantation.