Heart Attack

There are blood vessels carrying oxygenated pure blood from heart to other parts of the body known as arteries and blood vessels carrying deoxygenated impure blood going to heart from different parts of body is known as veins. When there is a blood clot inside the blood vessel which hit the heart muscle, it damages the muscle. This incidence is called heart attack. This is a very emergency situation and sometime it is very critical also. There is a considerable death rate due to this. Possibility of a heart attack of one person can be detected through a blood test called Apolipoprotein A1 and Apolipoprotein B . Subsequently that person take all preventive measure to avoid the heart attack. Hence, persons having diabetes mellitus, Hypertension etc. should be more cautious and do preventive check up regularly. Usually heart attack happens from Coronary Artery Disease. It means disease of the blood vessels ( artery ) carrying oxygenated pure blood from heart. Narrowing of the blood vessel due to deposition inside the vessel is the main cause. This happens for several reasons but commonly it is deposition of fat. This need correction mechanically. Till today there is no medication which can prevent or clear the fat deposition in the coronary artery. Only treatment is Coronary Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery. Heart attack is one of the biggest reason of death globally and several research work is going on all over the world to develop method to prevent heart attack.