
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a connective tissue disease and collagen disorder. Due to this disease multiple joints of a human being gets affected. Majority of the time disease start in fingers in the hand. It is swollen with very painful and restricted movement. This disease spread to other joint of the body as well, like, knee joint, ankle joint, spine, hip joint, elbow joint etc. There is inflammation in every joint and making the restriction of movement of the joint along with severe pain.

Cirrhosis Of Liver

Liver is a very soft organ in our abdomen. On a single pump from the heart maximum blood reach liver and after its necessary work it comes back to heart. The clean blood travels through artery from heart to other places of human body and impure blood travels through vein to heart from other places. Cirrhosis of liver means hardness and altered echotexture of the liver. As a result the blood coming from heart to liver cannot enter inside liver properly and try to return to heart.

Heart Attack

There are blood vessels carrying oxygenated pure blood from heart to other parts of the body known as arteries and blood vessels carrying deoxygenated impure blood going to heart from different parts of body is known as veins. When there is a blood clot inside the blood vessel which hit the heart muscle, it damages the muscle. This incidence is called heart attack. This is a very emergency situation and sometime it is very critical also. There is a considerable death rate due to this.

Low Back Pain

Low back pain can happen for various reasons. Sometime it is a chronic problem as well. But acute low back pain is one of the commonest problem. It usually happens due to postural problems. Our spine has three parts. Upper most part is known as cervical spine. Middle part of the spine is known as dorsal spine and lower part of the spine is known as lumbo sacral spine.