Dengue virus-RNA detection, plasma/serum

Rate : 3500

Dengue-IgG antibodies, serum

Rate : 1000

Dengue-IgM antibodies, serum

Rate : 1000

Diphtheria-IgG antibodies,serum

Rate : 2000

E.Histolytica (Amoebiasis) Antibody, serum

Rate : 1200

Food analysis, bacteriological

Rate : 3600

Fungal identification (Automated)

Rate : 1000

Fungal stain (Indian Ink), CSF

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, aspirate

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, body fluid

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, hair

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, nail

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, pus

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, semen

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, skin

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, sputum

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, swab

Rate : 350

Fungal stain, urine

Rate : 350

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Aspirate

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, blood

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Body fluid

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, bone marrow

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, CSF

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Hair

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Nail

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Pus

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Skin

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Sputum

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Stool

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, Swab

Rate : 900

Fungi-Culture and identification-Automated, urine

Rate : 900

Gonococcus, Smear examination

Rate : 250

Gram’s staining any material (Pus,Body fluids,Swab material, etc)

Rate : 250

Hanging drop for V. cholerae, stool

Rate : 250

Helicobacter pylori-Culture, fluid

Rate : 1100

Helicobacter pylori-Culture, Swab

Rate : 1100

India Ink Preparation, CSF

Rate : 300

India Ink Preparation, fluid

Rate : 300

Infectious Mononucleosis (Monospot) test

Rate : 850

Interferon Gamma for TB, blood

Rate : 3400

Legionella pneumophila antigen, urine

Rate : 2400

Legionella-culture, Sputum

Rate : 1100

Leishmania-Culture, Blood

Rate : 1100

Leishmania-Culture, Bone marrow

Rate : 1100

Leishmania-Culture, Liver aspirate

Rate : 1100

Leishmania-Culture, splenic aspirate

Rate : 1100

Leptospira-Culture, Blood

Rate : 1100

Leptospira-Culture, CSF

Rate : 1100

Leptospira-Culture, Urine

Rate : 1100

Leptospira-IgG antibody

Rate : 1100

Leptospira-IgM Antibody

Rate : 1100

Mantoux test (Tuberculin skin test)

Rate : 150

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgA antibodies, body fluid

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgA antibodies, serum

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgG antibodies, body fluid

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgG antibodies, serum

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgM antibodies, body fluid

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium (A60)-IgM antibodies, serum

Rate : 800

Mycobacterium Leprae detection, skin

Rate : 3700

Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody, IgG

Rate : 2100

Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody, IgM

Rate : 2100

Mycoplasma-culture, cervical swab

Rate : 1100

Mycoplasma-culture, Respiratory swab

Rate : 1100

Mycoplasma-culture, Urethral swab

Rate : 1100

Mycoplasma-culture, Urine

Rate : 1100

Neisseria Gonorrhoea- Culture and Susceptibility, Pus

Rate : 900